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Summer Drummer Silver Beat - Coinmagic

3 coins, 4 takes, 1 video - slight of hand coin magic with three regular Morgan Dollars and a Chinese surprise. Shot on location at Ringkøbing Fjord, Danmark, Summer 2023. Coinwork: Helge Thun / Camera & Postproduction: Carolin Schattenkirchner #coinmagic #3coins #magic

The Magic way of Washing Hands

It's time to Corona-proof-wash your hands! Doing it the magic way takes longer than 20 seconds, but it's way more fun! Music: 'Here Kitty Kitty' by Jacknife Lee - 1999 Pussyfoot Records Hands: Helge Thun Film: Carolin Schattenkirchner

Cards & Poetry - Helge Thun (Deutsche Version)

Was ist Kunst und was sind Tricks? Ein Gedicht mit Cardistry oder Kartentricks in Reimen.

Film und Schnitt: Carolin Schattenkirchner

Drehort: Sudhaus Tübingen

Gefördert durch ein Stipendium des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung & Kunst Baden-Württemberg

#Cardistry #Gedicht #kartentricks

Triangle of Universes - coinmagic

Welcome to my corner of the world - The Triangle of Universes :-) A new presentation piece for what is essentially a double spellbound routine. Just for those, who are not familiar with the different universes: T. Nelson Downs ("The King of Koins") was the most famous coin magician at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Chung Ling Soo was an American Magician pretending to be Chinese at around the same time and I suppose you all got the David Copperfield reference on your own :-) The copper coins used in this routine are the "Tiger Tan Coins" from Copeland Coins (, the Chinese coins are by Woodpecker Magic Props (Claudius Specht and Thomas Otto) and will soon be available at #magic #coinmagictrick #coins

Pantomime Coins - Coinmagic

Pantomime vs. Magic? As soon as the trick starts, the magic is over :-) New presentation piece for what is basically a "Two to One" spellbound routine with some surprises at the end. #magic #sleightofhand #coinmagictrick #3coins #coins

Curvature Coins - Coinmagic

New handling and presentation for the "Hanging Coins" plot with 4 regular coins. This routine and many of the moves and handlings were greatly inspired and influenced by: David Roth (original "Hanging Coins" plot and specifically the third vanish) Gary Kurtz (squeeze production from "Trio") Kainoa Harbottle (pendulum hanging coins) Danny Goldsmith (Symphony Retention, Sky Rattle, Hands on production) #sleightofhand #magic #coinmagictrick #magician #hangingcoins

Triple Double Rib Off Coins - Coinmagic

Coin Magicians laundry day :-) Having fun with a triple coin production and some double rib shirts. Sleight of hand: Helge Thun Camera: Carolin Schattenkirchner #magic #coinmagictrick #3coins

Stoned Magic No. 1 - Spellbound

Advanced sleight of hand coin Magic at the beach with stones instead of coins. No. 1 - Spellbound Stonework: Helge Thun Camera & Postproduction: Carolin Schattenkirchner Music: Swinging Shopping Whistling by Claude Pelouse Originial moves by Helge Thun. Other techniques by: Yuxu (Next Spellbound), Richard Kaufmann (Visual Drop Switch), Rick Holcombe (Sly Palm) and Ryan Bliss (Horizon)

Stoned Magic No. 2 - Blackstone

Advanced sleight of hand coin Magic at the beach with stones instead of coins. No. 2 - Blackstone Stonework: Helge Thun Camera & Postproduction: Carolin Schattenkirchner Music: Swinging Shopping Whistling by Claude Pelouse

Stoned Magic No. 3 - Three Stones

Advanced sleight of hand coin Magic at the beach with stones instead of coins. No. 3 - Three Stones Stonework: Helge Thun Camera & Postproduction: Carolin Schattenkirchner Music: Swinging Shopping Whistling by Claude Pelouse

Titans of Cardistry - The Flicking Fingers

NEW: Worlds greatest cardistry video yet! The Flicking Fingers perform the world's most advanced and innovative new cardistry moves in sleight of hand history. Exciting camera technic and cutting! Shot in an urban industrial setting, this state of the art cadistry extravaganza takes card manipulation to a new level and never before seen artistic heights! Watch Helge 'Shady' Thun, Manuel 'Babyface' Muerte, Stephan 'Pinky' Kirschbaum, Jörg 'Hellboy' Alexander and Pit 'Scarface' Hartling in their advanced beginners cardistry fantasy "Titans of Cardistry"! Camera an editing: Silvester Keller Grafic Designer: Carolin Schattenkirchner

Double Rainbow Bunker Beat - Coinmagic

Back at the beach bunker for another quick 3 coin routine. Same moves, different coins, different ending. Hope you like it 🙂 Introducing the new chinese and copper coin from woodpecker magic props (Claudius Specht & Thomas Otto) by the way. Soon available at #coinmagic #3coins #sleightofhand #magictricks #magician

Trick Challenge mit Niki, Wolfgang und Helge

Drei Zauberer und drei Wundertüten: Wolfgang Moser, Tricky Niki und Helge Thun haben einen Tag Zeit, sich mit dem Inhalt ihrer Wundertüten von Stolina Magie etwas auszudenken und vorzuführen. Vielen Dank an Robert Fislage für die Herausforderung. Aufgenommen in den Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hannover beim Kleinen Fest im Großen Garten 2022. #TrickChallenge #Stolina #Wundertüte

TRiX - Trailer

Virtuose Wunder & Haltloser Humbug

Close-up Programm von und mit Helge Thun

Stoned Magic No. 4 - One Stone Gone

Advanced sleight of hand coin Magic at the beach with stones instead of coins. No. 4 - One Stone Gone Stonework: Helge Thun Camera & Postproduction: Carolin Schattenkirchner Music: Swinging Shopping Whistling by Claude Pelouse
Filme in dieser Playlist
 Website Helge Thun
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Summer Drummer Silver Beat - Coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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The Magic way of Washing Hands
 Website Helge Thun
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Cards & Poetry - Helge Thun (Deutsche Version)
 Website Helge Thun
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Triangle of Universes - coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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Pantomime Coins - Coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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Curvature Coins - Coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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Triple Double Rib Off Coins - Coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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Stoned Magic No. 1 - Spellbound
 Website Helge Thun
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Stoned Magic No. 2 - Blackstone
 Website Helge Thun
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Stoned Magic No. 3 - Three Stones
 Website Helge Thun
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Titans of Cardistry - The Flicking Fingers
 Website Helge Thun
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Double Rainbow Bunker Beat - Coinmagic
 Website Helge Thun
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Trick Challenge mit Niki, Wolfgang und Helge
 Website Helge Thun
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TRiX - Trailer
 Website Helge Thun
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Stoned Magic No. 4 - One Stone Gone
 Website Helge Thun


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